今治產・弱酸親膚毛巾枕頭墊 Made in Imabari Weak-acidity Deodorizing Soft Pillow Cover by REHADA




▍「今治」產上品品質,肌膚保養的重要一員 每天接觸臉部皮膚的枕頭墊,其實也是保護肌膚的重要一環。 re hada品牌特別於日本殿堂毛巾產地 — 「今治」製作,希望以「優質且具功能的毛巾」成為大家肌膚保養的重要一員。 ▍親膚的弱酸素材 re hada 以弱酸性素材作特殊加工,貼近正常皮膚pH 值,對肌膚更為親和,整個晚上呵護着肌膚。 即使利用洗衣劑(弱酸性)清洗,亦能保持弱酸效果。 ▍保濕力高,乾燥/敏感肌適用 使用存水能力高的レーヨン(嫘縈)素材,不會奪去皮膚水份,溫和親膚,特別適合乾燥/敏感肌。 re hada 採用的レーヨン素材是100%來自植物的再生纖維,使用更見安心。 ▍消臭線材製作 利用具消臭功能的線材製作,測試証實能有效消除汗中的3大汗臭元素,即使睡眠時出汗,亦能避免枕頭墊產生難聞氣味。 清洗後,可再回復*消臭功能。 ▍七十年歷史的日本毛巾製造専門店 來自有七十年的日織商工,經過反復試驗,鑽研技術,製作出觸感柔軟而耐洗的成品,於2011 年取得GOOD DESIGN 大賞。 | Smooth yarn are used to reduce damage when wiping the skin. This is a special towel for the time you spend taking care of your skin and yourself. | 01 Skin-friendly and mildly acidic With a pH close to that of human skin by using mildly acidic materials. The towel gently wraps around your skin, which tends to become alkaline after face-washing. | 02 Moisture-retaining Rayon (100% plant-derived recycled fiber) with a high moisture retention rate is used for superior moisture retention. It is recommended for people with dry skin, as it does not remove too much moisture from the skin. | 03 Deodorant function Highly effective in deodorizing perspiration odors, and can be used comfortably at any time. Since the yarn itself has a deodorant function, the effect lasts semi-permanently (with the use of mildly acidic laundry detergent). | This pillowcase can be easily replaced by simply wrapping it around. The diffferent pattern of pile at both ends are to prevent pillowcase from shifting. 原材料 | 90%棉、10%嫘縈(植物成分由來纖維) 毛巾墊尺寸 | 60 x 100 cm 包裝尺寸 | 21 x 21 x 6.5 cm 註① | 不可使用漂白劑 註② | 首次清洗時避免使用柔軟劑,以免影響毛巾吸水性能 註③ | 使用洗衣機清洗,請使用洗衣網 *廠方測試可維持「半永久」消臭效果。

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Photo credit | Nissen Shoko Co., Ltd.
Text | made JAPAN 日本製生活美學選品店


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